AGL Youtube Downloader
YouTube, the world’s biggest video sharing website. Nothing to discuss much about the very familiar thing. The most biggest disadvantage of YouTube is, there is no download option to download legally. We can just wait patiently and spare our bandwidth for streaming, but how long ? Using my school WiFi and via proxy I am watching all my favorite YouTube videos. Is there any better way to download those videos via YouTube? apart from software like YTD , YES online sites
There are many websites to download YouTube videos online but majority are overloaded with ads and many of them often fail to get the download link.
Today I am here with one of the best website to download videos AGL Youtube.
AGL Youtube Downloader is one of the best website to download video directly from youtube, It supports download managers and Proxy websites moreover it has the ability to Resume Downloads and has No ads.
So lets Learn how to download:-
There are two ways to download
1) Copy & Paste
- First go to and open the video, which you want to download and do right click to copy the video URL.
- Go the Website [Link Below] Paste it, and download it in respective quality.
1. Add agl before the URL. Eg if your Youtube link is & change it to
2.Download It Normally after choosing Quality
How to Access/Open Blocked Youtube videos using Proxy Sites?
Are you a school/college Student (or) Employee? Is YouTube blocked? Then, how to download? If you are having an excellent bandwidth but you are restricted to access YouTube means, use TOR Browser. It is an open source project to surf internet anonymously. Download the package, extract it, open the browser and follow the above process. It will be as same as the above process. In case, if you are having only normal bandwidth you can’t able to use TOR Browser. It really sucks in low bandwidth. Use any proxy software to browse anonymously. And sorry! I forgot to tell you this thing first. Download the latest version of Internet Download Manager (IDM).- Go to Downloads -> Options -> Proxy. In that, change the proxy address. Copy/paste the IP Address and Port Number that present in your current browser proxy settings. Here, be sure you are copying the IP address after enabling the Ultrasurf.
- Follow the above process. You will get the video link from 3rd party websites. Mostly your IDM will be integrated with the Browser. And the pop-up will appear to download the video file. If not, just paste the link in Add URL section and start downloading.
AGL Youtube Downloader
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